Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Grillin' Machine

Grilled italian sausage
I love to grill. My husband jokes that he has not been able to grill in 6 years. I sort of just took over. I have mastered the art of cooking steaks, chicken breasts, pork chops, sausages, and ribs. Now, I recently attempted a brisket and it was just okay. I wanted to post this picture (please don't judge me for my dirty grill!) because this is how a grill must be set up. Coals on one side and nothing on the other side. That way, you are able to get a char on the meat, but then move it over to finish cooking on the cold part of the grill. These sausages, I started on the hot part, but then moved them over and covered them to allow them to cook without overcooking. This is just a simple trick that I do with all of my meat.

1 comment:

  1. This technique can also be easily accomplished by allowing the cast-iron burners in your old ass gas grill to rust out such that only a small ring of hot is emitted. Ask Coy, he loves my grill.
